Friday, August 8, 2014

Metrico World 5 Walkthrough

Trophies earned:

Single perspective - Complete the world in one session without turning the Vita.

Thoughts on trophy: Whether or not you achieve is will be dependent on how well you handle the Vita for one section of the game. Rest of the world should be played with the Vita affixed to the same spot.

Before starting the stage, place your Vita on a hard surface and leave it there. As weird as this sounds, you may want to practice lifting the Vita and using the rear touch pad without rotating it once, then practice putting it down as well. Once you feel you're comfortable with it, it's time to begin!

This time you get the option to use Triangle to completely reset puzzles. Activate one of the rings and press O.

Three pillars should spawn. One of them should say 1/4. If you're not on top of this one, use Triangle to restart and activate the ring that corresponds to it, otherwise keep pressing O until the pillars are at their highest peak. Proceed to the next area.

Get on the pillar that says 0/4 and start shooting to raise it. Jump over and activate the ring in the center, then keep pressing O until the pillar to the right says 1/4, then move along.

The next part will have you sliding down a slope. When you reach the bottom, jump 4 times to extend the bridge, and land on the bridge that formed.

Jump on the blue pillar, then keep jumping until you get to the ring above. Activate it then press O. Drop down to the next area.

This is it. In this part you'll have to *gasp* use the rear touch pad! Start by jumping on the blue pillar, then head to the ledge just above where the enemies are. Make sure you're positioned so that you can shoot at the enemies below, like the picture below demonstrates.

Now the moment of truth comes. Carefully lift your Vita up, taking care not to rotate it, and use the rear touch pad to fire 3 shots that will hit the enemies. One enemy should still be alive after this. After that, set your Vita down carefully without rotating it. That's it. That's the only time you'll have to move your Vita, so hopefully you've done it correctly, otherwise you'll have to replay the whole stage again.

Now that that's done, jump on the blue pillar, which should say 3/7.

Start firing to raise it. Jump on the horizontal blue platform to reach the next area.

There's a collectible in this next area, get it if you want. As for getting through the area itself, keep going right until you fall to the ring near the blue block. Activate this ring, then press O twice to summon enemies. Now, move to the left while continuously jumping and kill both enemies before they fall.

Once they're dead, press O to warp back, and run past the newly opened gate.

Here, you must jump on the green pad 3 times, then kill the enemies.
Don't activate the ring below!
Press O to warp back,
You'll want it to look like this before warping back up.
and you should be able to cross to the next puzzle.

Press O 3 times to level the two columns, then jump on one of them,

activate the ring, then jump to the other ring and activate that. Keep alternating the ring activations until the purple platform has extended enough for you to cross. 3/5 is good enough.

There's a collectible in this next area. Get it if you want.
To get past the area, you'll have to do the following:
1. Press O once.
2. Fall into the pit 3 times.
3. Touch the enemy 4 times
4. Let the orange pillar crush you twice.
After doing those 4 things, you should get this nice staircase.
For this one, activate the ring in the middle that's below the orange pillar. Keep going right, then left until the orange pillar is out of sight, then press O.

This will warp you to the top and lower the blue pillar.

Get on it and start jumping until it's high enough. On to the next area after that.

Here, you'll want to get on the right orange platform.

Now move left until the right orange platform has extended all the way, then jump to the left, but in mid-air, start going right. Drop into the gap

and kill the enemy below. Press O to warp back. You can now go all the way right and drop down to the middle area where you can kill the two enemies to open the way to the next area.

For this one, drop down and activate the ring next to the blue platform as you fall.

Keep pressing O and going left until both platforms are at 0%, then press O one last time. Head to the top of the orange staircase, then jump to the left and activate the ring.
Extend the blue platform enough so that the ring is directly above it, then press O and advance to the next puzzle.

There's a collectible here. Get that if you want. To get past the area, drop down, shoot the enemy once, then touch it to warp back.
Warping back
Activate two rings and keep jumping until the blue platform is fully extended. Proceed to the final puzzle of this world.

Hold Triangle to reset the puzzle. The blue pillar should be at 13%. Now, jump to the right, but press O when in mid-air. Keep doing this until the orange platform has fully lowered. Jump from the top all the way to the bottom, and end the level.

To unlock the doors, keep shooting with R, then when the doors can move no further, rotate the Vita CW and CCW.


  1. Superb! Waiting for the 6th,,, :)

  2. i got good idea for this one . push ur vita half out from the table , use one hand press on the vita from the table side and so that can keep it flat , then u free half of ur vita's rear touch pad

  3. all picture are broken, can you fix it?

  4. You could also just pause the game by entering the main menu with the PS button and then use the touch pad (while not rotating the system), then once you kill the enemies, you go to the Vita's main menu through the PS button, set the system down and continue the game.
